Welcome to The Novel Ideas— a popular job/career blog that covers information on entrepreneurs, experts and business professionals who wish to share their knowledge and experience with our widespread business community.
Our audience is made of entrepreneurs and business professionals who looking for actionable tips, career advice, and insights on how to improve, start, or even grow their businesses. They either run or work at startups, scaling small businesses or well-positioned medium companies. A common characteristic of them all is the will to learn more about business and put their knowledge to good use.
Write For Us
We are always looking for new, creative writers to create unique and plagiarism-free content for our blog.
If you have superb writing skills and a passion for business and work-related content then you’re in the right place.
Contribute a guest post related to one of the following topics today:
Business, Careers, Employment, Jobs, Networking, Startups, News, Productivity, Employment, Projects, Remote Work, Skills and more.
Article Guidelines & Requirements:
Below, you will find our article submission guidelines for content on The Novel Ideas.
- Word Count: All articles must be at least 600+ words although we highly recommend article submissions of at least 1,000 words in order to provide value to our readers.
- Maximum # of links: Two dofollow links (same client).
- Homepage Feature: Yes. Your article will be shown on the homepage of our site for a limited time.
- Content Quality: Your content must be high quality, easy to read and written by a native English speaking writer.
- Internal/External Links: Writers are required to add an internal link to a relevant article on The Novel Ideas as well as add a high quality authority external link to major home related magazine or recognized news source. If you do not add an internal and high quality external link in your article we will add them for you. More info here: https://moz.com/learn/seo/internal-link & https://moz.com/learn/seo/external-link
- Photos/Images: You can attach a royalty-free image to your post with proof of source OR we can source a royalty-free image for you from Unsplash. Most clients prefer the latter.
- Plagiarism Policy: We have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism and any plagiarized content found will be automatically rejected by our team. Yes, we check every article before publishing.
- Content Creation Services: If you do not have an in-house content writer, we have an incredibly talented content creation team that can handle all of your content needs at a small additional fee. Contact us for more details.

Topics Accepted:
- Business
- B2B
- Business Owner
- Being A Boss
- Business Ideas
- Careers
- Co-Workers
- Digital Marketing
- Entrepreneur
- E-commerce
- Finance
- Interviews
- Jobs
- Job Applications
- Job Skills
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Money Tips
- Resume Tips
- Start Up Business
- Small Business
- Tech and Business
Example Articles:
- How to Get the Success in CFD Trading Industry
- 4 Reasons Why Networking Is Essential For Your Career
- Career Tips: Comfort Zone vs Success
- All You Need To Know About Remote Working This Year
- How to Write the Perfect Business Plan: The Do’s and the Don’ts
Guest Post Submissions:
Contact us here OR email our client manager directly at: mariaveracka@gmail.com and be sure to add “The Novel Ideas Guest Post Inquiry” in the subject line.